
Producthunt is a curated list of new products where anyone can post or hunt a product and get early users/customers. The producthunt community can upvote new products and anyone looking for a product can decide basis the number of upvotes. It is the biggest community for product managers and makers. Anyone who is building a new product or looking for product recommendations in various areas can subscribe to Producthunt to keep an eye on the new good products. It is a win-win proposition for both makers and users as makers can acquire new users and users can get discounted pricing via producthunt launches.

How does Producthunt earn money?

Producthunt has started promoting products via their emails as well as on the launch pages. Although, they usually promote only one product as a policy. They earn money from these product promotions serving as ads to makers.

How do you get featured on Producthunt?

Anyone can hunt or post their own product. Once the product is posted, it mostly in the hands of the community to decide the fate of the product and their upvotes decide the top 5 products of the day, month and so on. Once you have posted your product, you can not do much to be in the top 5. If you try to get upvotes from any flaud methodologies, they usually catches you and demote your product just like HN.

What is the best day to launch on Producthunt?

The best days are mostly weekdays and Tue/Wed/Thursdays are better than others. The worst thing you can do is to post on a Sunday. Also, try to post or schedule your product for 00:01 PST to have enhanced chances of upvotes as you will get more eyeballs.

5 Components For Producthunt

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