Crisp chat screen has 3-colum layout where on the left side they have a list of all visitors, in the middle they show the chat and then on the right side they show a panel where you can checkout any d ...
Crisp has 3-column layout for their dashboard. The initial screen right after signup shows you a number of features that you can setup via Crisp like emails, inetgration to slack, etc. There is not mu ...
Crisp has a beautiful setting page where they have distributed it based on settings type like pricing, integrations etc. It also has a 3-column layout and they have tried to make the integrations look ...
Amplitude has an iteractive support documentation for developer which is almost like a code learning platform like CodeAcademy. It has a 3 column layout where listing sections are leftmost panel, read ...
Intercom's chat screen has 3 colum layout where left panel shows a list of users, middle has chat with that particular user and right nav has a little bit more details about the user like location, la ...
An editor to edit a website's content in Webflow. It has a 3 column layout with one thin left nav, preview box in the middle and edit functionalities on the right panel
Freshdesk contacts has a 3 column layout with a thin left nav, contacts list in tabular form in the middle section and filters on the right.
Freshdesk's each ticket is represented by a card with ticket status on the right. It has a 3 column layout with left nav, tickets in the middle and filters on the right.
Freshdesk welcome screen focussed on setting up the account with the listed steps which a user can follow.